Monday, September 27, 2010

Be ware of heavy rain,strong winds and high waves.

  •  Access from Pamulang to Bumi Serpong Damai is closed.
Precautions for all people in Jakarta in particular,and  Indonesia generally in the face of an erratic season in the near future. Damage to lake Pamulang who are unable to hold water in the lake and inundate surrounding area. The water that flood roads and forcing access from Pamulang to Bumi Serpong Damai diverted to alternate routes.Continuous rain the day before and the delivery water from Bogor will continue to add to and flows into Jakarta to the Java Sea.
The most extreme weather during last 12 years is evidenced by occurrence of regularities during the dry season. The communty was asked to see the extreme weather alert due to late rain fall in August is still high.We could say 2010 was unique it's more extreme at all,Probably the situations is similar to 1998,but it's intensity is more higher. said Soeroso Deputy Climatology Meteorology and geophysics [BMKG].
Based on monitoring results BMKG as well as several agencies such as NOAA's, weather united states,Australia BOM,Jamsfe Japan,the predictions of El nino/ la nino shows a negative index. In August - September 2010 predicted la Nina moderate,meanwhile in October - January 2011 in the form of strong la Nina.  "We appeal to be worry of the transition period in August - September 2010 because of marked symptoms of extreme " explained Soeroso.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

The impact of extreme weather and flood.

  • Worrying about flood in Jakarta.
May be in the next future the flooding will still haunt Jakarta residents at  the end of this year.This prediction based on Climatology and Geography Meteorology Agency ( BMKG ). To prevent flooding of course not only the responsibility of the government DKI Jakarta but also the responsibility all citizens of Jakarta through active participation. From the Jakarta Works Agency's ( Dinas Pekerjaan Umum ) data record many culverts or 50% damaged or a long approximately 2.500 meters. The use of groundwater is governed by ( Perda No 10 th 1998)  it's seem likely not effective is due to the need of clean water in Jakarta do not fit the need of residents. According to reports from Jakarta drinking services regulator the production clean water in Jakarta only reached 19.328 liters/second.Although had already increased from the drinking water installations. So the year of 2009 was deficit amounting to 4.972 liters clean water per second. And this will make the higher ground water comsution. Visible indications of increased tax revenue usage of underground water. This may caused decreased or land vanish, constructions of the mall,also be the cause of flood with unavailability of water infiltrations properly. Prof Dr Sonny Keraf ( ex - environment minister ) said that mall development,coastal reclamations,constructions of which violates the city administration should also be in the fix to be discontinued and replaced by radically. Worried area not to radically overhaul a few years ahead not only flooding but also will be a lot of disaster happened to Jakarta.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mapolsek Hamparan Perak, North Sumatra forced Group attacked.

  •  Three policeman killed after 12 people attack Mapolsek.
Mapolsek Hamparan Perak,Deli Serdang was attacked unknown group,using a firearm at around 01.00 am. A group an armed man long barrel suddenly invade the headquarters of police resort Hamparan Perak. North Sumatra Regional chief inspector General Oegroseno said the attackers numbered 12 people by six riding motorcycles. They immediately point bullet towards police station. As result 3 police was killed and broken the glass also. It's about a possible attack linked to terrorist suspect as well as a robbery of Bank CIMB Niaga Medan last time. One of the police personnel named Siregar said the three policemen who killed namely Bripka Riswandi,Aipda Deto Sutejo and Aiptu B Sinulingga. Police public relation of North Sumatra Kombes Pol Djafar Baharudin who contacted yet can provide a long description because it's still scene investigations.
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Thursday, September 9, 2010

The consistency charity after Ramadan.

  • Charitable split.
Detail: Crescent Moon, Earth's Atmosphere (NAS...
The Ramadan  has ended all activities. No more drum sound,iftar,taraweeh prays etc. What a wonderful,people who complete the Ramadan with nature and bring a better life, in the next eleven months. For them Ramadan is annual training,forging a place of faith,good deeds are result of media carried out on outside Ramadan. See you at the next Ramadan. Because the power of worship is fully dependent on its product; In the beginning; In the middle; also in the final. Because God is preferred practice continuously,although slightly. Spiritual illness of the Muslims,many sucked in lust. If so,the we will be among the lossers,overdrawn,or do not get nothing,except fatigue. In the month Ramadan as people can (@ Buya),outside Ramadan became a crocodile (@ buaya). At the Mosque became (@ Ajengan),outside the mosque to be thug (bastard). The phenomenon of the age with all its human oddity. Because obviously will bring negative impact on the political,economic and cultural community,which in turn lead to a multi-dimensional crisis. ( for the hurt i've done,trust that i didn't keep,anger that i've created,promise that i've broken,mercy is all i ask "Happy Idul Fitri 1431 H ").

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Do we should teach the children about sex?

  • Provide the children a clear insight about sex.

The ABC of Sex Education for TrainablesOur ignorance in something make us all wrong,how when the child is our new elementary school,ask about the problem issues that adult children should have known.Like the hymen what's proper answer to the age of you child so that.In fact,many older people who tend not to understand the benefits and purpose of education sex.They also sometimes consider sex education was not necessary because the child would only provoke a negative direction. " Dialogue of  sex needs to be build in families,and children may be introduce as early as the stage of development according to their manhood " Sani B Hermawan said.We ares suppose to teach them with the scientific language was too vulgar,but not according to their age.Entering preschool to graduate school to teach children about their genital function.In addition,also taught how to clean their genitals.Teach and what happens if they are not optimal in cleaning their genitals.( Warta Kota/parenting)
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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Relations Indonesia and Malaysia during the last few days.

Conflict and war are already familiar with human life.At least the conflict is happening to us.The initial a good battle on a small scale,such as family,community or a large scale of human history.Every country wants a secure,peace,and it's expectancy of people in this world.In fact,Nation has goal and determine each national interest. The nation interest that sometimes conflict with one nation to another,that often ended in wars.A domestic conflict generally caused by a difference of opinion or disagreement between groups,community groups,parties in the country.Focus on the domestic dispute revolves around the basic state,interest groups and could be the source triggers " Rebellion " or also "Revolution "The conflict in this country can sometimes be controlled,honed by the forces from abroad both directly or not.So,conflict,rebellion,revolution and war is an event experienced by one womb and miserable race of mankind itself.Sourced from the " Interest " different or conflicting both in the scale of individuals,groups,community groups,and nations. The variant friend or foe may change due to change by the factor of interest.Therefore there's no eternal friends or enemies but the interest of human history.After the end of a large war, an attempt is made effort to prevent a new wars.Liga Nations was founded after World War I,to keep peace in Europe.The situation only last 20 years,followed by a more devastating war of World War II,outside Europe had already happened instead of war and armed conflict.After World War II,established the United Nations,but war can not be stopped.For the last two decades more than 80 countries involved in war and military violence.Namely;58 countries in the third world ( Developing and poor countries ),with detail 29 countries involved in Civil War and the 24th state of war between the nations.(among others ; Burkina Faso - Mali;1986;Iraq - Iran 1980 -1988 ;Ecuador - Peru from 1981 -1983;Ethiopia - Somalia from 1977 to 1978;Iraq - Kuwait 1990;Libya -Tunisia 1980;Syria - Lebanon 1976;Cambodia - Vietnam from 1979 -1991).Not to mention of international terrorism,and other forms of armed conflict.
Ivan S Block wrote in his book " The future war " that between the year1496 BC to 1861 BC,a time duration of 3357 years,there's 227 years of peace and 3130 years of wars.It's mean every one year of peace there's 13 years of wars.Looking into the history we can pull in conclusion that human history is the history of armed violence,that war is a state normal,and peaceful state that does not even became a state normal.The only for peaceful world order that there is strong and effective enough to avert a war,such as capability give rewards or more strongly against the state forces that make war and military violence.
Speaking of Indonesia and Malaysia conflict,which triggered the arrest of three employees of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries ( DKP ) by the king of Malaysia Kepolisian into waters of Cape rafting,Riau Islands Province.A wave of public resistance action of the two countries continue to happen up to now.According to Zamani Ismail ( Malaysian consulate in Riau),the people of Indonesia and Malaysia should mutually refrain and resolve any problems through peaceful diplomacy.He also reminded about the conflict being happen in case of there's a luggage rack from certain parties which try to break Malaysia and Indonesia Relations.Malaysia has been regarded Indonesia as the blood brothers and being partners to progress together.Mambang Mit ( Vice Governor of Riau ) also in his speech the conflict between two allied brothers would only bring losses. (mkdu4111/20101).
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