Thursday, September 9, 2010

The consistency charity after Ramadan.

  • Charitable split.
Detail: Crescent Moon, Earth's Atmosphere (NAS...
The Ramadan  has ended all activities. No more drum sound,iftar,taraweeh prays etc. What a wonderful,people who complete the Ramadan with nature and bring a better life, in the next eleven months. For them Ramadan is annual training,forging a place of faith,good deeds are result of media carried out on outside Ramadan. See you at the next Ramadan. Because the power of worship is fully dependent on its product; In the beginning; In the middle; also in the final. Because God is preferred practice continuously,although slightly. Spiritual illness of the Muslims,many sucked in lust. If so,the we will be among the lossers,overdrawn,or do not get nothing,except fatigue. In the month Ramadan as people can (@ Buya),outside Ramadan became a crocodile (@ buaya). At the Mosque became (@ Ajengan),outside the mosque to be thug (bastard). The phenomenon of the age with all its human oddity. Because obviously will bring negative impact on the political,economic and cultural community,which in turn lead to a multi-dimensional crisis. ( for the hurt i've done,trust that i didn't keep,anger that i've created,promise that i've broken,mercy is all i ask "Happy Idul Fitri 1431 H ").

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