Sunday, June 27, 2010

The suspect,the victim also.?

Hearing the popular news , in the media , ( Ariel , Luna , Cut Tari) Also it writes about the issue of which was again booming in the lower ranks , Standard and Poor ' mothers , friends, builders something to name the president or even Abroad anyway , although they want to talk not always well aware about the problems . Too much  late but just nothing to loose , right and wrong despite the legal process has been established , We do not know if later on through to the end , Because as long as this problem is still the problem has not gone wrong, if the Until present the intervention of the government has peterporn Ariel , police officers Also Until the Parliament . Unfortunately , a lot of problems are far more Important than Ariel , the gas tube problems troubling many peoples , transportation , disaster , poverty reduction, During my surgery at the hospital , I saw Those people waited for their relatives , in the waiting hall of the economy class far more ill than Had he thought of waiting for treatment costs , costs of school children , on their daily needs , yet still rented home payment , certainly a headache dizziness (no insurance agent are interested ) . Ariel problem for me why not just spread the word That has been captured , the news is for anyways that compared to the contribution of Ariel in this country ? . That act directly visible if aberrations characteristic features of the Long Ears , that corruption directly visible ( JW @ jendhol ) on the forehead  It must have a lot of friends Ariel , Who is being detained act pornography and porn action  . Ariel problem for me why not just spread the word That has been captured , the news is for anyways that compared to the contribution of Ariel in this country ? .It must be a lot of friends Ariel ,Law of pornography and porn action Which Is Used Also in the talk are still not clear . Easily completed it or are intimidated by a certain party I hope Ariel of cases that many lessons can be taken , all behavior is not only just but the reflex response involves a complex response and relate to each other.Probably title more fitting for a hostess statues.When I take my own kid to bookstore . A kid of mine went to the counter of humor books / comics . When I saw her smiling at glanced She was reading a page , I'm Also Interested  what she was reading about. Paragraph about what it goes like this :
Flatus .
English say Pardon ME
American say Excuse ME
Singaporean say I'm Sorry


muhyat Reply

pak narya ni saya muhyat.....
posting yg banyak yaaaa..... Reply
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