- Not specifically for Mbah Maridjan but for all victims of natural disasters.
In order to defend the world title Cris John later on 4 December in Jakarta, Crish John will be challenged boxer Antonio Suecedo from Argentina in the version of Super featherweight champion of the 13th.Cris John intend the game will be dedicated to all victims of natural disasters in Indonesia, Mentawai, Wasior and Merapi. Boxers who trained at Sasana Harry's Gym Perth Australia have played as much as 45 times and 24 times of them won. When asked how close with Mbah Maridjan Crish John themselves rarely communication, known as fellow commercials and he's very respectful to Mbah Maridjan.Perhaps due to the language used Mbah Maridjan use the Java language smooth [kromo inggil] to make Cris John rarely communicate. But he said the figure is a person who responsibility, courage and discipline. After the match Cris John will hold a charity event for victims of natural disasters. When asked about the opponent rival Crish John assess his opponent has its own power and unorthodox style of boxing.Although his opponent is not known king of knockouts, but has a strong stamina and good physical Cris John later in the match trying to play to survive. When asked if he could hit his opponent KO, he just shut up and will try at the end of the final round."I am optimistic that can win games against a boxer from Argentina Antonio Suecedo next month" Cris John added.
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