Sunday, June 27, 2010

The suspect,the victim also.?

Hearing the popular news , in the media , ( Ariel , Luna , Cut Tari) Also it writes about the issue of which was again booming in the lower ranks , Standard and Poor ' mothers , friends, builders something to name the president or even Abroad anyway , although they want to talk not always well aware about the problems . Too much  late but just nothing to loose , right and wrong despite the legal process has been established , We do not know if later on through to the end , Because as long as this problem is still the problem has not gone wrong, if the Until present the intervention of the government has peterporn Ariel , police officers Also Until the Parliament . Unfortunately , a lot of problems are far more Important than Ariel , the gas tube problems troubling many peoples , transportation , disaster , poverty reduction, During my surgery at the hospital , I saw Those people waited for their relatives , in the waiting hall of the economy class far more ill than Had he thought of waiting for treatment costs , costs of school children , on their daily needs , yet still rented home payment , certainly a headache dizziness (no insurance agent are interested ) . Ariel problem for me why not just spread the word That has been captured , the news is for anyways that compared to the contribution of Ariel in this country ? . That act directly visible if aberrations characteristic features of the Long Ears , that corruption directly visible ( JW @ jendhol ) on the forehead  It must have a lot of friends Ariel , Who is being detained act pornography and porn action  . Ariel problem for me why not just spread the word That has been captured , the news is for anyways that compared to the contribution of Ariel in this country ? .It must be a lot of friends Ariel ,Law of pornography and porn action Which Is Used Also in the talk are still not clear . Easily completed it or are intimidated by a certain party I hope Ariel of cases that many lessons can be taken , all behavior is not only just but the reflex response involves a complex response and relate to each other.Probably title more fitting for a hostess statues.When I take my own kid to bookstore . A kid of mine went to the counter of humor books / comics . When I saw her smiling at glanced She was reading a page , I'm Also Interested  what she was reading about. Paragraph about what it goes like this :
Flatus .
English say Pardon ME
American say Excuse ME
Singaporean say I'm Sorry

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mostly, economic survivals

Ketika saya sedang berada di bilangan jl. Hayam wuruk saya mampir ke kedai kopi pinggir jalan tepat di seberang discotique Millenium,sambil menunggu kopi agak berkurang panasnya,saya menatap kearah pinggir jalanan tempat saya minum kopi,ada barisan wanita lumayan banyak saya pikir lebih dari 25 orang.Saya mendekati salah satu diantaranya namanya Diana asli dari Semarang dia bilang lagi sepi tamu,Malam itu malam selasa wajar kalau tidak seperti malam malam weekend.Dia menceritakan kalau ayahnya sedang sakit ginjal harus cuci darah 1x seminggu,ibunya terkena stroke ringan, layaknya seorang jurnalist saya mencoba bertanya kenapa Diana terjerumus menjadi PSK.Ternyata dia nggak keberatan menjelaskan semua itu.Pada waktu Diana berumur 17 th ia djual oleh pacarnya sendiri kepada suatu sindikat perdagangan anak (child trafficking) untuk dikirim ke Pulau Batam.Pelaku (pacar korban) berpura pura akan menikahi sehingga orang tua korban tidak menaruh curiga terhadap pelaku.Korban diajak ke Bandara Soekarno Hatta dan di jual kepada seseorang seharga Rp. 3 juta dan akan dipekerjakan di sebuah Discqotique di Batam.Korban langsung dibawa ke Batam dengan tiket yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya.Setelah sampai di Batam korban berhasil menghubungi orangtua di Semarang sehingga kasus perdagangan ini dapat di bongkar polisi.

Dari ilustrasi di atas saya masih yakin banyak kasus serupa.gejala sepeti ini dapat dipahami atau kalau boleh mengadopsi pemikiran tentang adanya mekanisme pasar dalam perdagangan anak untuk prostitusi.Dan bisa dipahami berjalannya perdangan anak untuk prostitusi memenuhi mekanisme pasar,yaitu adanya kebutuhan (demand) dan pasokan (supply) terhadap pekerja seks komersial,dan ini sangat berkaitan erat industri pariwisata dan hiburan yang memang sangat menyukai anak anak untuk obyek seksualitas mereka.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Worry About

A map showing the location of MelanesiaImage via Wikipedia
Had no choice, a child's Dobu tribes in Melanesia ,probably thinking twice ( 2X ) want to be born in this world. He was born into families where the only uncle who loved him.against whom he will became the next generation.The father just more interested in his sister'son who used to hate.Just the father had to wait for the child is weaned to be able to have sexual relation with his wives.Most of the times,is not expected by his mother and not infrequently abortion happened.The lack of warmth and affection waits for babies born in Dobu tribes,a child's Dobu tribes knew that they live in a world set by magic rather than natural factors.All symptom are controlled by witchcraft in this case lead to the retaliation from bad families.Dreams interpreted as the incidence of witchcraft,which can release the spirit of people sleeping.For Dobu tribes,all success must be secured at the expense of someone else. A most effective wicthcraft is key to success.
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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Alangkah indahnya,COOPERATIF itu.

Ada satu suku namanya suku Zuni di Mexico merupakan bangsa yang tenang dan hidup dalam lingkungan yang sehat secara emosional. Kelahiran seorang anak disambut dengan hangat dan diperlakukan dengan penuh kemesraan dan kasih sayang.Tanggung jawab mendidik anak adalah tanggung jawab seorang Zuni.Berkelahi dan bertingkah laku agresif adalah sangat tidak disetujui oleh orang Zuni dan orang Zuni dididik untuk mengendalikan nafsu mereka sejak usia muda.Pertengkaran terbuka hampir tidak pernah kelihatan,karena orang Zuni dididik untuk mengendalikan nafsu mereka sejak usia mereka masih dini/muda,,,,Orang Zuni menjujung tinggi nilai hormat dan kerja sama dalam kehidupan bersama lingkunganya.(see,a.l crampton,1977,bennedict,1934).

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Generasi bajaj ke generasi BMW

Bila kita amati lingkungan sekitar kita,ada banyak sekali individu yang ingin berusaha untuk merubah nasibnya.Ada yang berhasil namun tidak sedikit yang gagal.Kita akan melihat kedalam masyarakat terdapat pekerjaan pekerjaan yang ada dalam peringkat bawah seperti buruh,pemulung,penyapu jalanan dan lain sebagainya.Tentu kita juga melihat pekerjaan pekerjaan peringkat atas seperti presiden,direktur,pejabat negara,dan pengusaha lainnya.Dalam lingkungan masyarakat sekitar kita pernah menemukan orang yang dahulunya susah dan hidup kekurangan karena dengan kerja kerasnya dapat berubah menjadi orang yang serba kecukupan.
contohnya Dipo adalah tipe orang yang suka kerja keras,bersama istrinya Dipo selalu bekerja keras sepenuh hati demi menghidupi anak semata wayangnya Anggodo.Dipo ingin anaknya Anggodo tidak seperti bapaknya yang hanya bisa bertani.Tiap hari Dipo menasehati agar anaknya agar tidak seperti bapaknya.Usaha keras Dipo menasehati Anggodo tidak di sia siakan oleh anaknya,Anggodo tumbuh menjadi anak yang cerdas,mendapatkan beasiswa dari sekolah dan mendapatkan promosi untuk dapat perguruan tinggi negeri di daerahnya.Setelah sekolah selesai diperguruan tinggi bidang tanaman pangan Anggodo melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan asing.Karena prestasinya dalam lima tahun Anggodo diangkat jadi pimpinan.Setelah sepuluh tahun bekerja Anggoda bisa membeli lahan pertanian yang lebih luas.Untuk mengolah hasil pertaniannya Anggodo resign dari pekerjaannya.Berbekal ilmu dan pengalamannya di perusahaan asing Anggodo mendirikan perusahaan dan di bantu oleh bapaknya Dipo.Perusahaan yang didirikan Anggodo maju pesat dan menjadi perusahaan besar di daerahnya.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

He took my bike

Official seal of JakartaImage via Wikipedia
This is a real experience about many years ago,When in Jakarta enacted DBB (ricksaw-free areas) in 1990.Remind me of my brother who making a living by ojek ( two vehicle transpotion).there are too many people to do evil things against ojek.Some people having many  ways of cheated people such as a short distance gives a big payment,invited eat free of charge and so on. One day, someone want to take some place from Cililitan bus terminal to the an air fore office the distance was about 10 kilometers away.until there passenger headed to provost guard then asked about,within a few minutes then turn again to the bike. He told that somebody he looking for is being another place.So the man wants borrow the bike for a while looking for somebody. No doubt the deliver give ignition and willing to wait in front of the post.he began counted one hour,two hours,three hours his bike didn't came yet.The feeling getting worried and uncomfortable. In his nervous he try to ask the same post who is the man before.The officer just said didn't know who he is,he went to the post asked address only, how surprised he is after knowing that,he cried in front of the post. The officer can not do much just told him to be more careful someday.........

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

KRL ekonomis.

aku sedang nunggu kereta arah Bogor,kereta yang saya tunggu berangkat jam.10.05 WIB.jam baru menunjukan 09.35WIB.saya masih harus melihat lalu lalang kereta lainnya.Tiba tiba ada yang teriak di sebrang gerbong dari tempat saya duduk di peron.gak kelihatan,setelah kereta jalan kembali,baru terlihat seorang wanita muda jatuh dari gerbong,, salah turun,mestinya turun arah kanan peron entah kenapa dia turun arah kiri so pasti,terjerambab,,di lintasan kereta,,,lagian kenapa pintu gak ada tutupnya alias,,mlompong...........